superficial (comments)
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lol, its ok
i know its a code, but whats the code?
Yeah I know I did but my hair finally started growing out like in the picture i have up now AND MY MOM MADE ME CUT IT AGAIN!!!!!! I was like nuuuuuuu T__T but the style is different but I still don't like it. And yeah that was Riku
Haha yeah he is cuter. Lol Sungmin seems really innocent haha I love Kibum's smile I wish I had a smile like that
XD not as bad, but in all seriousness it is pretty old. like 2000 or something idk. my dads really good with computers so he just put it together for me. i think im getting a new computer though, because this one is so slow, old, hates to function, etc.
pfft no. my computer sucks XD its from like the 1st century and it doenst like being introduced to new programs lol
ah sorry >.< i was trying to download that program for my ringtones.
im downloading ringtones right now but the program i need to use wont install properly D:
ehh im just mad >.< how has your day been going?
well my brother gets out of school an hour ahead of me and then goes to work right after. and everyone else in my family works.
my friend nora started driving me home from school a couple weeks ago (before break) and i was going to start paying for gas today like everyone else that she drives home.. well she came up to me this morning was like "i cant drive you home anymore because emily is quitting track and im driving her home." and i was trying to make a joke out of it so i didnt go off on her.. its like. ok great you cant give me a ride anymore but couldnt you tell me yesterday or something so i can arrange for a ride home? i ended up taking the bus home by myself with the creepiest bus driver.
i was ok but i got really pissed off at my friend this morning. f**king bitch >:(
Lol yeah I loveeee Teukie and then Heechul. Haha Heechul is really funny. Oh btw I found the picture u want to see it?
Haha yeah but I would much rather meet DBSK or Suju that would be sooo cool!!
Haha yeah I have a picture of it somewhere when I find it I'll show you
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