Comment history with tokyo-rose
Displaying 1 - 20 of 241 comments
Really? I never heard of that song. You should download the 'Girl's Generation' and 'Into a New World' xD. They're really good!!
I need to balance the languages of the music I listen to. xD;
Their song "Kissing You" seems popular. Do you like it?
Yeup. I know that one. I have it, but like I said, I only listen to Korean and Japanese music! x).
Know SNSD? They're good.
Yeah, I was looking through the English songs in my iTunes (for once xD) and was listening to "Lie About Us." Do you know that one?
That's good. :]
Avant as in a English artist Avant right?
I'm feeling a whole lot better. Finally caught up on some sleep.
Vinity, we never comment each other anymore. :[ Are you feeling any less tired and depressed?
Also, have you heard of an artist called Avant?
Never mind, you've told me it's the same as Yunho's. I completely forgot. I'm stupid sometimes. x.x
Why do you feel sad all of a sudden? Yunho should be paying more attention to you! >( Or you can divorce him and I'll marry you instead, since gay marriage is legal in California~! XD
Nope, you never did, otherwise I'd have made a thread for you if your birthday already occurred once.
Yeah.. I'm just really stressed out right now and down in the dumps atm... x.x.. The mayor thing was alright I guess. I messed up a lot and I just wasn't in the zone. I was disappointed in myself.
I did tell you my birthday. At least that's what my memory tells me.
It's okay, I know you have a lot of extracurriculars. How'd the mayor thing go?
You didn't tell me your birthday, I want to make your birthday thread! xD
Hiii :d. I'm sorry I wasn't on this whole day. X_X. I was really worn out.. and I'm going to be even less active this whole week.
I'll go post in the hot asians celebrities thread now ;). I played for the mayor yesterday! :d.
You probably just got out of school. I wonder when you're playing for the mayor. It's boring here without you to post in the new Asian Celebs thread. D: Just wondering, when is your birthday?
Nope I didn't catch it. Celeen did. Baby shower!? D: I've been to a lot.. xD.
I just got back and I'm worn out. I had yearbook after and we got out at 2:10 so yeah :D. Anything exciting you do today?! :]
Who was getting married? Did you catch the bouquet (even though you're married)? ;)
Oh, and the baby shower was the best I've ever attended!!
Yeah, I read about it in the absent thread. Do well! :D
She bitched at me before and she pissed me off. She's lucky we were at a wedding or I would have kicked her sorry ass.
I know it's so addictive! xD I love it.
And guess what?! I'm going to play for the mayor tomorrow! :)
Now I see. Wow. It's not nice of your auntie to favor Celeen so much; she should at least help you and your older sis sometimes..
Oh, well yeah, it used to get stuck in my head sometimes. "Daite, daite, daite senorita / Tsuyoku tsuyoku [something something]!" :P
Okay, here goes:
As you know Celeen is a copy catter. My auntie always spoils her and only her, and call her her "daughter." When we went out to dinner one time, my auntie said that she would adopt Celeen. And everytime when Celeen needs help or whatever, my auntie would help her. If any one of us (minus Celeen) would ask her for help, she would say fuck you. So that's how we call her Celeen's mom. :).
XD I have it already! I'm just wondering if you listened to it before! :P